Ask the questions that matter for kids!

This election season, let’s make our voices heard.

We know that our local city councils, board of supervisors, school boards, and special districts have a huge impact on the communities where Contra Costa children live, play, and grow. We asked our Leadership Council to come up with some ideas for questions that we can ask at candidate forums and in other settings to raise awareness about our issues and find out where the candidates stand. Here are some ideas – we hope you’ll use them leading up to November 3rd!

  • How have you demonstrated your commitment to young children and families?
  • If elected, what will you do to advocate for the needs of young children and families?
  • Many Contra Costa families struggle to meet basic needs, including housing and food security. What will you do in your role to remove barriers for families?
  • What organizations serving young children and families do you have relationships with?
  • What will you do to build strong community partnerships?
  • What are your top priorities, and how do they impact children and families?
  • What is your vision for long-term investments in children ages 0-5?
  • What are the top 3 issues you plan to tackle if elected?
  • What are you doing / will you do to hear and respond to the needs of your constituents?
  • How do you bring equity into your work, your leadership, and your decision-making process?
  • What communities are you accountable to?

Together, we can advocate for the best representation for communities across Contra Costa!