Leadership Council Convenings

Healthy & Active Before 5’s Leadership Council is a cross-sector network with a shared goal of advancing health equity for young children and their families in Contra Costa.  We convene the Council twice a year to learn from experts, discuss strategies for improving early childhood health throughout the county, and model best practices in healthy eating and active living.  The Leadership Council also serves as HAB45’s extended advisory board and provides invaluable guidance in implementing our plan and principles throughout the community. Learn more about our Leadership Council here.

November 2023: Perinatal Equity in Contra Costa

County Clerk-Recorder Kristin Connelly and the Diablo Valley chapter of The League of Women Voters shared information about voter registration and statewide ballot measures. Visit the county elections website and the League’s Easy Voter Guide to learn more.

After the meeting, HAB45’s Executive Committee voted to endorse ballot measures aligned with our mission to improve health equity for young children and their families:

Prop 3: Guarantees marriage equality in CA
Prop 4: Statewide bond for clean drinking water, wildfire prevention, and climate programs
Prop 5: Lower the voter approval threshold for local housing & infrastructure bonds
Prop 6: End forced labor of people in jails and prisons
Prop 32: Raise the minimum wage
Prop 33: Allow local governments to set their own rent control policies

November 2023: Perinatal Equity in Contra Costa

Thank you to our partners who joined us for an informative morning on this important topic! Our presenters shared local data on birth outcomes and breastfeeding for Black families. We learned about local programs to support Black families, and discussed evidence-based strategies to pursue together. We look forward to deepening our work in this area as we advocate for policy and systems changes to address the root causes of health disparities.

Here are the slides from our presenters:

Natalie Berbick, MSW Contra Costa Health Family, Maternal, and Child Health Director

Marlene Ceballo, RD, IBCLC Contra Costa WIC Regional Breastfeeding Liaison

April 2023: Local Strategies for Climate Action & Resilience

This year’s Spring Leadership Council Convening highlighted local examples of strategies to address climate change and build resilience for low-income Contra Costa families. We heard from Contra Costa County staff about the policies and programs they’re pursuing, and learn about La Clínica de la Raza’s efforts to increase awareness of air quality’s impact on health among their patients and advocate for solutions. Check out the county’s Climate Action Plan to learn more.

October 2022: Climate Resilience for Contra Costa families

This year’s Fall Leadership Council Convening focused on the impacts of climate change for children and families in Contra Costa. We learned more about how climate change intersects with our top priority issues (parks and land use, food security, housing). We also heard from local policy leaders about how organizations and families can advocate for solutions to build climate resilience in our communities.