Reducing Unhealthy Marketing

We support the elimination of  exposure to marketing of foods of low nutritional value to children. We also encourage the reduction of TV and other screen time for children 0-5.

Exposure to unhealthy marketing in television and other materials can lead to unhealthy habits. Companies that market soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, and other high-calorie foods aggressively target children through television, websites, and social media.

Read more by visiting our blog post “Too much TV is unhealthy for kids”.

Click the image below to view a presentation by HAB45 Executive Committee Member Dr. Diane Dooley, MD.


“Parents have the power to reduce screen-time. Brochures on how parents can reduce screen-time for their kids available for download:




Your organization can receive a mini-grant to adopt one of our healthy policies aimed at reducing unhealthy marketing!

Also, check out Sugar Bites, a social marketing campaign promoting healthy beverages developed by First 5 Contra Costa with support from Healthy & Active Before 5 and Kaiser Permanente.